Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Protest Nostalgia

Apparently civil disobedience now requires a city-issued permit and a blurb on the cover of the SF Chronicle...

I am getting nostalgic for the feeling I had when I was 18 and I felt sure that taking to the streets could change the world. I am not going to argue now about whether or not this is actually true. But at the time, I felt convinced. I lack that conviction now.

Perhaps I should have gone into this on the 5 th anniversary of the start of the war, but at the time, it didn't seem deeply relevant. Now, however, with the scheduled, publicized, legal protests occurring downtown regarding China/Tibet/Burma/the Olympics, I feel a sort of sad fondness for the general mayhem in which I used to participate.

1 comment:

Tina said...

It's become this compromise, an agreement to controlled chaos------which is an oxymoron for a reason. Nothing happens, nothing changes...but nobody gets hurt. Maybe we as individuals don't have enough at stake to really be compelled to agitate the status quo. We've become comfortable in our state of apathy.