Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Feminist Rant

I just finished watching Funny Face for the millionth time, and it is finally starting to bother me. It's a seriously tragic movie - talk about setting back the women's movement! Moral of the story is: so long as a girl sacrifices any intellectual pursuit and willingly follows a persuasive and powerful man, she'll be able to find happiness. Duhhhh. Oh, and all intellectuals are suspect and/or borderline retarded, so don't listen to anything they might have to say. I honestly wonder how it's possible that Audrey Hepburn was willing to take a role in which she fulfilled her destiny by giving up her lifelong fascination with philosophy to pose in front of a man's camera in fancy clothes. When she cries during the wedding dress photo shoot because, as she says, "it's not really the happiest day of my life," you know she's gone round the bend. The happiest day of your life was supposed to be the day you discussed "empathicalism" with a world-famous philosophy professor, ya dumb ho, not your wedding day! But of course, that world famous philosophy professor turns out to be a lecherous creep, so scratch that. You didn't need those books anyway! Bah!

And barring all of that, it's a lovely film and I watch it all the time. The end.

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