Wednesday, April 23, 2008

On my mind

I have eaten granola with yogurt and fruit at some point in the day, everyday, for the past 12 days.


The day I meet someone who can do coke without turning into an asshole, I will do a little dance.


My cat is enormous.

Contact Lenses

Right now, my eyes hurt so badly, I am wondering what it would be like to have no eyes. I don't think I've ever thought about this before. Certainly I've thought about blindness before, and how I lack the necessary character to forge stoically through, Helen Keller-like, to any sort of theoretical bright side. I think I would collapse. I think I would rip out my eyes. Empty sockets. I am thinking now of Oedipus Rex. I am also thinking of Robert Creeley.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I miss my friends...

Like Tara:

and Barbara:

and Damon:

and Keli:

and Mike:

and Sean, Kyle, Kevin, Phil, Marc, and Mikey:

Plus some others...

Monday, April 14, 2008

Call to Prayer

Blue Mosque, Sultanahmet, Istanbul

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Protest Nostalgia

Apparently civil disobedience now requires a city-issued permit and a blurb on the cover of the SF Chronicle...

I am getting nostalgic for the feeling I had when I was 18 and I felt sure that taking to the streets could change the world. I am not going to argue now about whether or not this is actually true. But at the time, I felt convinced. I lack that conviction now.

Perhaps I should have gone into this on the 5 th anniversary of the start of the war, but at the time, it didn't seem deeply relevant. Now, however, with the scheduled, publicized, legal protests occurring downtown regarding China/Tibet/Burma/the Olympics, I feel a sort of sad fondness for the general mayhem in which I used to participate.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I <3 independent film:

Within 24 Hours

Screw top white wine and lots of dogs and
I don't know anyone else who brings a pillow and
I want to be a Japanese girl
jumping in front of the Painted Ladies
until you get the perfect shot and
I have not brushed my teeth for a very long time.