Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Some Thoughts on Lemmings

It seems that every time I stumble across a coveted job listing for writers (since this is, since I was a little girl, what I have always wanted to be), it makes specific mention of the employer's desire for bloggers. Apparently bloggers possess that certain je ne sais quoi that makes one fit for journalism, publishing, etc. Why, I don't know, but far be it for me to criticize. Now, I have never had a blog, largely because I am nearly computer illiterate beyond basic word processing and internet usage, but also because I never thought I had much to say that would interest anyone else. From perusing the blogs of others, however, I've learned this much: it can be very surprising to see what other people want to write about, and how many people actually care to read about it. So in my meager efforts to overcome what has lately been termed a "quarter life crisis" (hence the name) by landing a job that will pay me to write, I am starting a blog. One nay-sayer suggested this was lemming-like behavior - following the others into that dark "15 minutes of internet fame" void, perhaps - but if it provides me with an outlet for writing and gets me gainful employment that is actually enjoyable (GASP!), then sign me up. I'm a lemming.

p.s. I drew that. This is why I am going to be a writer, and not an artist.

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