For those who don't already know, Monday will be my first day working for Cindy Sheehan's Congressional campaign. If you don't know who Cindy Sheehan is, for shame! Perhaps best known for her extended protest outside President Bush's Texas ranch after the death of her son in the Iraq war, she announced her intent to run against she-devil/Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, after Pelosi failed to introduce articles of impeachment. (And seriously, what else did we elect her for?) Now that intent is finally coming to fruition with an honest-to-goodness campaign - a campaign of which I get to be a part! I'm finally putting the B.A. to work, meaning my dad didn't necessarily waste thousands of dollars after all, and I think we can all raise our glasses to that, my friends.
p.s. If you want any of the following - affordable housing, quality health care, efficient and environmentally friendly public transit, an end to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, a solution to the immigration problem, and for Bush to go suck one - then you had better get your ass out to vote for Cindy on the first Tuesday in November. Okay? Okay.
And here she is getting arrested in D.C.! My kind of candidate.