Thursday, October 23, 2008

Politics + writing = White House Deputy Communications Director. Duh.

After the past several weeks of working on a political campaign, in conjunction with far too many hours spent watching The West Wing, has me thinking that maybe, just maybe, I'd like to be the White House Deputy Communications Director. You know, someday. For a really awesome president.

See, about a week ago, I was pulled aside in the office by our campaign manager and asked to bang out a summary of our energy policy. Considering we had at no point even drafted an official energy policy statement, this task was a little more daunting than it may sound. Suffice to say, it was intimidating, incredibly difficult, and very, very fun. So maybe if every day I spend working could be like that - putting important decisions with wide-reaching impact into writing - from now on, well...I'd be pleased.

And I <3 Sam Seaborne.

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