Sunday, November 30, 2008

I love Christmas music

... and not just because it's trendy to like "uncool" things in an ironic fashion. No. I just really, really love Christmas music. In fact, the more traditional, the better. Give me Bing Crosby or Nat King Cole or even the Mormon Tabernacle Choir any day. Give me Adestes Fidelis in the original Latin and all the other Jesus-y ones about virgins and bright stars. (Let's temporarily ignore the fact that I am not even remotely Christian.) However, perhaps my very favorite song is a little ditty called "Christmastime is Here," as rendered by the ever-wonderful Vince Guaraldi and his dandy crew. Straight out of the Peanuts Christmas, with angelic singing children and everything, this one almost makes me weep. It almost makes you forget that Walmart employees are being trampled in the seasonal sale mayhem, and that men are shooting each other in the checkout lines at Toys R Us... almost. So listen to it. In the meantime, I'm off to karaoke to sing Feliz Navidad, much to the dismay of the other patrons. Tis the season.

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