Saturday, November 8, 2008


So, one of the most incredible life experiences I've had the courtesy of..... well, experiencing, has now come to a close, and I am thus left with an impossible amount of free time and the immediate need for increased income, a.k.a. a new job. Seeing as how Obama hasn't yet called me to be his Deputy White House Communications Director (and considering that, even if he had, I'd be fired for general rebellion so fast it would make your head spin), I am forced back to the drudgery of searching Craigslist for a day job that doesn't make me want to cut open a vein. Good luck with that, right?

In any case, while I take a few days to recover from the nearly nonstop work that was the last couple of months of my life, I also want to take a moment to appreciate what I was just involved in, and sort of wrap things up in the face of everyone's consolations regarding the fact that we "lost." So let me just dispute their use of the word "lost." Cindy Sheehan got more votes than any independent candidate ever has in San Francisco's Congressional race. And we decreased Pelosi's victory margin by a greater degree than any other candidate ever has since Pelosi first took office. If that's not an enormous step for independent (or even Third Party) candidates, then I don't know what is. And when the whole campaign, Cindy included, danced on the steps of City Hall at 8pm on November 4th, it felt like a win. So in my mind, even though Cindy is (sadly) not on her way to Washington (yet), it was a win. But thanks for the words of consolation, anyhow.

And suffice it to say, I'm still feeling pretty amped-up from the campaign, so if you have any direct actions coming up, any awesome political candidates starting their campaigns, any socially conscious organizations getting off the ground, or what have you... call me up.


Anonymous said...

Congrats Julia.

I proudly voted for Cindy.

Anonymous said...

What will happen to her campaign after this?

Anonymous said...

Julia, it was an amazing experience working with you, Cindy, Craig prime, Ann, Gerry, Will, Kat, Dan, Dede, Jody, Nancy, Tiffany, Somer, Mike, Jackson, and all the other wonderful folks in and around the San Fransisco office. I just wish I had been able to get up there earlier to help.

I have a feeling that your statement "Cindy is not heading to Washington (yet)" will be proven wrong before too long, as the need for someone to step up and speak truth to power has not and will not go away any time soon, and Cindy has the strength and courage to continue doing so. Just because those in power now have "(D)" after their names instead of "(R)" doesn't make it any less necessary to hold them accountable. Collaborator Pelosi is a perfect example of that.

And Obama claimed to be for "Change" yet is already surrounding himself with the worst promoters of the failed policies of the past. Those who suspended years of activism to get him into office need to hold him to his word, as well as those of us who did not fall into supporting the "Good Cop" part of the "Good Cop/Bad Cop" political game.

So, anyway, best of luck in your job search, I hope you find something that keeps your spirit alive AND pays the bills at the same time. I know it is possible, but it is very challenging to find. Somehow, I know you are up to the challenge!



Julia said...

As for what she's up to now, she'll campaign again for the 2010 election, and in the meantime, she's starting a Political Action Committee, as well as her own radio show on Green 960.